About Us

Hey Rams!  I am CJ. Albany State Graduating class of 1995.  The First Post Flood class. 

What is RamFam4Life?

RamFor4Life is a BRAND! We are ASC/ASU Rams designing and creating products for ASU Ram Family and Friends.

We will do Traditional Apparel like T-Shirts, hoodies and hats, but we also hope to provide some products that you have not been able to get before and some things that you did not even know you wanted.

Let me get a couple of things out of the way. One thing you may notice is that we do not use the ASU Ram Athletic Logo. Mainly because, I did not create it. That logo is a copyrighted piece of Art. I LOVE that logo,  but I DO NOT have the right to use it. That is where the Idea for a "brand" came from. I just really wanted to make some products for the RAM FAM. We use RAM FAM and RAMILY a lot. That is something that is Real and GENUINE for us RAMS. WE want to help one another. So, I want the RamFam 4 Life Brand to be a vehicle by which we can do that. Whether it be some proceeds going directly to the school, giving directly to the Nieces and Nephews in the school or Making Business to Business connections for Ram Entrepreneurs.

I really hope you like what we have to offer.

This is the RamFam4 Life logo that I created

Now if y'all see this floating around somewhere and it did not come from me or RamFam 4 life. Y'all let me know! I am sure we got some RAM lawyers that can back me up.

We've been testing the waters since last year(2019) putting some things out there and talking with a few people. We got some really positive feedback. So as of June 26, 2020, we have a License to do business. 

Things will mostly be done through pre-Order. One of the biggest hurdles thus far has been is production due to Covid 19. Some things we produce ourselves, some we cannot. Shipping and Production times are not where I would have hoped they would be, but we will press on. By preorder we can see how see where the demand for certain products will be.

So how can you help us?
Go to RamFam4Life Facebook page and Like and Share us. Share us A LOT Also Follow us on Instagram  at official_RamFam4Life